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Beginner's guide to English roses course

Delve into the petals of knowledge - sign up to our exclusive rose course today

Our new four-week Beginner's guide to English roses course is ideal for those who are looking to begin their rose growing journey or brush up on their gardening skills. This complimentary online course has four modules, beginning with the basics of getting to know your garden, all the way through to caring for roses throughout the season. Along with some helpful top tips from our gardeners and video guides, this course has been crafted for passionate individuals like yourself, who have an interest in learning everything rosy.

Register with your email today to delve into the world of growing and caring for timeless English roses. You will receive your first module shortly.

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  • Monday–Friday
    8:30am — 6:00pm
  • Saturday
    8:30am — 4:30pm
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