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Biosecurity is defined as a set of precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. These organisms may be pests, pathogens or invasive species that can affect plant health.


Understanding the threat from notifiable plant pests and diseases

David Austin Roses recognise the threat from notifiable pests to the business and the wider environment and acknowledge our responsibility to implement, maintain and review controls throughout every aspect of the business to ensure biosecurity.

This policy will be reviewed at least annually as part of a continuous improvement process to ensure that it remains appropriate to both the business and the aims set out in it.


Approach to plant health and biosecurity

David Austin Roses is committed to:

  • Implementing a Plant Healthy Management System following the Plant Heathy Standard.
  • Providing the necessary personnel and financial resources to assist the business in meeting its biosecurity objectives.
  • A designated person and deputy who have specific responsibilities within the business for plant health and biosecurity, which are outlined in the organisational structure.
  • Sourcing only from reputable and approved suppliers, with a priority on sourcing from within the UK where possible.
  • Compliance with Plant Passport, Phytosanitary and all Statutory Plant Health Notice and Special Conditions together with ISPM15 international requirements.
  • Documented inspection of all live plant material plants on arrival.
  • Recording all crop inputs.
  • Documented crop monitoring by FACTS trained staff and external consultants.
  • Regular independent laboratory testing for pests and disease.
  • Staff plant health and biosecurity training to include the appointment of Plant Health Champions.
  • A visitor biosecurity policy.
  • Agreed procedures to identify and report to the APHA any suspected notifiable pest interceptions or outbreaks.


Site Operations and Risk Assessment

  • The company has conducted a Site Operations and Risk Assessment (SOPRA) to arrive at control measures which minimise the plant biosecurity risks to an Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP) and is committed to its annual review with relevant staff designated as Plant Health Champions to ensure that control measures are successfully maintained and, if not, improved to deliver effective and accepted levels of competence across all areas of biosecurity in the business.


Plant health legislation and best practice guidance

  • We are authorised by DEFRA to issue Plant Passports.
  • Imports and exports are inspected by the APHA or relevant plant health authority and issued with phytosanitary certificates.
  • All Statutory Plant Health Notices and Special Conditions are complied with.
  • Imported and exported wood packaging material is compliant with ISPM15.
  • We are committed to complying with all legal requirements applicable to plant health and biosecurity, and ensuring amendments, alterations and additions are incorporated into working practices and maintaining effective relationships with plant health agencies DEFRA, APHA and other plant health bodies.
  • We are familiar with, and keep up to date with, legislation and government/industry guidance through the UK Plant Health Risk Register and the Horticultural Trade Association.


Communicating this policy to external parties

  • This policy will be provided to external parties on request 

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  • Monday–Friday
    8:30am — 6:00pm
  • Saturday
    8:30am — 4:30pm
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