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It's National Gardening Week

The theme for the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) National Gardening Week in 2024 is 'Knowledge is Flower', which aims to demystify the wonderful world of gardening. The perfect time to dispel some myths and unveil the ease of growing our typically British, David Austin blooms.

Rose Myth #1: Roses are high maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, roses are not as high maintenance as they are made out to be. With the right knowledge and a little tender loving care, they can thrive in gardens of all shapes and sizes. Understanding the roses' basic needs of adequate sunlight, good watering in infancy and warmer weather, and a once-per-year feed, mulch and prune, ensures their health and vitality.

Rose Myth #2: Roses are prone to pests and diseases

While it's true that roses can fall victim to pests and diseases, they are not necessarily more susceptible than other garden plants. Vigilance and preventive measures can greatly reduce the risk of infestations and ailments.  

Top tips for preventing disease: water the plant by the roots rather than over the leafy canopy, remove fallen leaves and debris from around the plants, and disinfect pruning tools between cuts to prevent spreading diseases from one plant to another. Plants are less vulnerable when healthy, so ensure they're fed and watered.  

Rose Myth #3: Roses are only for experienced gardeners

Roses are for everyone, regardless of gardening experience. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a novice enthusiast, there are roses suited to every skill level and garden space. From compact shrub varieties, perfect for pots, to captivating climbers and sprawling ramblers, there's a rose for every corner of a garden just waiting to be discovered and admired. 

Why not try our Beginner's Guide to English Roses course, ideal for those who are looking to begin their rose-growing journey or brush up on their gardening skills?  

The complimentary online course has four modules, beginning with the basics of getting to know your garden, all the way through to caring for roses throughout the season. Along with helpful tips from our gardeners and video guides, the course has been crafted for passionate individuals like yourself, who have an interest in learning everything rosy.


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  • Monday–Friday
    8:30am — 6:00pm
  • Saturday
    8:30am — 4:30pm
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